CANCELLED - Fyah on the Water Music Festival 2017
WILESYVILLE, Calif., March 22, 2017 – Fyah on the Water Music Festival, scheduled April 20-22, 2017 at Blue Mountain Event Center has been cancelled.
What was set to be an amazing event has been cancelled due to the venue’s (Blue Mountain Event Center) vague perception of the laws and regulations pertaining to “Public Events.”
The Blue Mountain Event Center has hosted many ticketed events where food and alcohol were served. Recent discussions uncovered that, apparently, events at Blue Mountain have not had any permits for public events. Blue Mountain owners were unfamiliar when asked for their required signatures for the Health Department Permits and ABC Permits. The real shock to the Fyah on the Water team is what happened next.
The owners of the Blue Mountain Event Center informed the festival producers they have alluded permitting because the venue hosts “private events.” Tickets are not supposed to “technically” be sold for private events, so they “technically” don’t need any of the necessary permits or health inspections. Fyah on the Water was asked to do some things the team was very uncomfortable with, so they refused.
Fyah on the Water is a public event. The event is advertised to the public and tickets are sold to the public. Under no circumstances has Fyah on the Water ever been labeled as a private event. The Fyah on the Water team loves everyone and wants everyone included. Fyah on the Water always obeys all applicable rules, regulations, laws and agencies in the municipalities of their events.
The festival producers are not willing to meet the brand-new demands from the owners of Blue Mountain Event Center. With it being so close to show time, the team thought it best to cancel so further research could be done to abide by all applicable rules, regulations and laws. Fyah on the Water will not jeopardize its patrons’ good time nor its business.
The first priority at Fyah on the Water is to make sure every ticket is refunded. All vendors and sponsors have been contacted and are being refunded as well. The show is being cancelled as honorably as humanly as possible. Ticketfly’s amazing staff is currenlty working on automated refunds for ticket holders. If patrons don’t see the return of funds by close of business Friday, March 31 please contact:
Fyah on the Water sincerely apologizes to all of its fans, bands, sponsors, vendors, media partners, volunteers, production staff, live artists, fire dancers and everyone who had anything to do with Fyah on the Water. The team is very sorry the festival is not happening. A lot of hard work went into this production by many people and the team is eternally grateful for everyone’s energy and efforts.
“In my 25 years of event production I have never cancelled an announced show until now. I am very sorry for the cancellation of Fyah on the Water and to everyone this is effecting, but I don’t and won’t break the law to put on a show,” shared Scott Durst, Fyah on the Water CEO. “Doing events like this, there are always complications and that’s normal, but this was one issue that was unforseen and too late to remedy. I can’t express how much love and gratitude I have for everyone who has supported Fyah on the Water.”
For inquiries:
Contact: Brian Johnson, Publicity Manager