[New Music] Bobby Hustle - Wolaba Vibes
nglish and Spanish meet in the Caribbean! My brand new EP drops this Friday, May 24th on all digital platforms. Here is the advance free DJ download for you! The project was produced entirely by Costa Rebel in San Jose, Costa Rica, while I was fighting drug trafficking charges in 2017. I recorded songs with a lot of artists while in CR, but these tracks were all made in Costa Rebel Studio. Wolaba Vibes: The Costa Rica Sessions features the vocal talents of Ras Manuel (CR), Talawa Reggae Army (CR), Jah Fabio (MX) and Rapha Pico (SUR) as well as the guitar stylings of Nacho Paez (CR) and Gera Quiros (CR).
"Everybody love the yardie vibes in Wolaba,
It come in like Westmoreland had a daughter,
With a Tico from Talamanca,
Negril is her cousin from an estranged father..."
- Bobby Hustle "Wolaba Vibes"
Puerto Viejo = Old Harbor = Wolaba